
Monday, January 11, 2010

Fighting with DirectX 11 - part 3

So, what's new? Firstly - there are many changes, as you can see in the image beside. There are a sky with clouds and the sun (it is the skybox). It is invisible in the picture, but in application there are ugly seams on the connection of skybox faces - it is my fault, because when I finished preparing of skybox texture, I changed size of it and in consequence the image editor blended edges of faces and the grid get in the sky ;P. Secondly, I've add a camera and a user input (from mouse & keyboard), so flying through the world of my demo is possible now. And the main change, is that I've written a terrain loading from heightmap. I've added simple lightning also, so that the terrain don't looks so flat.


  1. Good luck! I still haven't even found time to implement DX 10 renderer for nGENE :) Not to mention DX 11

  2. As you know, D3D11 is very similar API to D3D10, so I think, there is no sense implementing a renderer in D3D10 API, when D3D11 has support to the downlevel hardware - and both of them require at least Windows Vista...

  3. wow ;|
    i dont get it ;O
    its so difficult ...
